Can I buy gold on Robinhood?

In recent years, investing has become more accessible than ever, thanks to the rise of commission-free trading platforms like Robinhood. Among the various investment options available on Robinhood, gold has gained attention as a potential hedge against economic uncertainty and a way to diversify one’s portfolio. But can you really buy gold on Robinhood, and how does it work? This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to help you understand the process of buying gold on Robinhood and its implications.

Understanding Gold as an Investment

Gold has been a store of value for centuries due to its scarcity, durability, and universal acceptance. It is often considered a safe-haven asset, sought after during times of economic instability, inflation, and market downturns. Investors view gold as a means to diversify their portfolios and protect their wealth from the volatility of traditional financial markets.

Buying Gold on Robinhood: How It Works

Robinhood is primarily known as a commission-free trading platform that allows investors to buy and sell stocks, options, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and even cryptocurrencies. However, as of my last knowledge update in September 2021, Robinhood does not offer a direct way to purchase physical gold. Instead, it provides exposure to gold through a few alternative methods:

  1. Gold ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds): Robinhood allows users to invest in gold indirectly by purchasing shares of gold ETFs. These ETFs aim to track the price of gold and provide investors with exposure to the precious metal without needing to physically own it. Examples of popular gold ETFs include SPDR Gold Trust (GLD) and iShares Gold Trust (IAU).
  2. Options Trading: Robinhood’s platform also enables options trading, which means you can trade options contracts related to gold ETFs. This allows for more complex strategies like hedging or leveraging.

Process of Buying Gold ETFs on Robinhood

  1. Sign Up: If you’re not already a Robinhood user, you’ll need to sign up for an account on their platform.
  2. Research: Use Robinhood’s research tools to find and evaluate gold ETFs. Consider factors like expense ratios, trading volumes, and historical performance.
  3. Funding Your Account: To invest in gold ETFs, you need to fund your Robinhood account. This can be done through bank transfers or linking your bank account.
  4. Search and Purchase: Search for the desired gold ETF by its ticker symbol (e.g., GLD for SPDR Gold Trust). Enter the number of shares you want to buy and confirm the purchase.
  5. Monitor and Manage: After purchasing gold ETF shares, you can monitor their performance on the Robinhood app. You can sell your ETF shares at any time during market hours.

Considerations and Risks

  1. Market Volatility: Gold prices can be volatile, just like any other investment. While gold is often considered a safe-haven asset, its value can still fluctuate in response to various economic and geopolitical factors.
  2. Fees and Expenses: While Robinhood offers commission-free trading, it’s essential to be aware of the expense ratios associated with the ETFs you invest in. These ratios represent the annual fees charged by the fund and can impact your overall returns.
  3. Lack of Physical Ownership: It’s important to note that when investing in gold ETFs through Robinhood, you do not own physical gold. Instead, you own shares in the ETF, which is backed by gold reserves held by the fund.
  4. Regulatory Changes: Regulations and platform offerings can change over time. Always check the latest updates on Robinhood’s platform to ensure accuracy.


While Robinhood doesn’t directly allow users to buy physical gold, it does provide a convenient way to invest in gold ETFs, offering exposure to the precious metal’s potential benefits. Whether you’re seeking to diversify your investment portfolio or hedge against market volatility, understanding how to buy gold ETFs on Robinhood can be a valuable addition to your financial knowledge. As always, it’s essential to conduct thorough research, consider your investment goals, and stay informed about any changes in regulations or platform features.